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Monday 17 September 2007

My story

This idea started a couple of months ago when I where having breakfast with my wife at our local Wimpy in Centurion.

So here is the scenario:

The parking lot where empty bare for 3 cars including my old 1997 dust bucket. There are 2 parking bays for handicapped users and the centre management have small sign boards that they place on these spots to ensure their availability when a person with a real need gets to the centre.

Well, whilst having breakfast I saw a brand new extremely expensive German vehicle pull in to the parking lot, eventually stopping right in front of one of the little sign boards mentioned. All of a sudden the driver started to hoot - worse than any taxi driver would ever be able to - at the security guard standing right next to the handicapped parking bay. The driver where adamant to park in the said spot, even though there must have been at least 200 parking bays open all around this spot. The security guard walked up to the driver side door and I assume preceded to explain to the frustrated driver that the parking spot where for a specific use only.

At this point I started to scan over the vehicle to see if there might be one of those stickers displayed that would indicate that the driver where indeed a handicapped person, but didn't have any luck to locate it.

The security guard eventually gave up and moved their reserved sign to grant access to the parking bay. When the blond stepped out of the vehicle I immediately realised that she had an invisible wheelchair, and from then on I always thought that I needed to do a site / page where we can get people like that exposed.


Anonymous said...

So she must have been tired from the night before

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Hey, welcome to the online world.
I \'m sure u will get a lot of support. Will out your link on my blog....

Divemaster GranDad said...

Yo...welcome to Blogworld.

You're going to need photos of all those fuckers who abuse the parking spots.

Their details (especially photos) can also be sent to Crimeline on 94.7 who I believe do a good job in following up on reports.

Anonymous said...

People are notorious for not caring. I have parked our van that has side door wheel chair ramp access.

Then have had cars park next to the ramp door to block the use.

Subsequently needed to put the wheel chair on the sidewalk (so that my wife would not be hit) and move the van to the back of the lot to gain entrance.

Thats O.K., Global Warming will fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

do you know what is the biggest bummer for an arsehole car owner?

To get back from his shopping spree to his larney wheelz parked in a disabled parking space and find his cars paint job fucked up by the scraping of a car key along all doors and side panels.

Always make sure that the spray paint job will need to see to more than just a car door but half the freeking car!

Ag I know it's mean of me, but just like they don't give a fuck for other peeps, i don't give a fuck for their paint job!